Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Classes

My classes have been wonderful so far. We are learning about the Renaissance this week. I have already been surprised by both the diversity of the students (30 countries or so represented) and their extreme enthusiasm. I mean, just look at how excited they get during my simple renaissance lesson!

I am used to teaching jaded 12th-graders so it is a breath of fresh air to have 9th-grade students who are excited about life. It is also cool to have students who are as unashamed of being a dork as I am! I tell them stories about playing my nerdy roll-playing games when I was a student at St. Mary's and they love it. I love my job!


Prairie Curty said...

The rooms look the same as when we were their. The clocks and everything! God I want some beef bowl or ham-ba-ga patty. Do they still have Lasagna with Butter rice??? Definitely planning a trip around that. We are busy harvesting still done wheat and will get into the canola today. Mike came out for a few days prior to starting the medic school and dad leaves back to Indy tomorrow. Send a small vid or photos of the school


Unknown said...

Hi Tristan, I just read your blog and truly enjoyed sharing your adventures. Your mom was here for dinner tonight. We had a wonderful time catching up on all the news. She showed me an album full of pictures and I commented about how happy you looked. It's true! It shows in these pictures too. I miss all of you guys! Andra (Jesse's mom)