Sunday, August 24, 2008

Azabu Juban Matsuri

Had a great time at the Azabu Juban Summer Festival (Matsuri). There were so many delicious things to eat that you can only find at festivals, so I went a bit overboard. There were also many activities as well. It is like Japan's version of the state fair, where elephant ears and ring toss only come once a year....except the food is better and the games aren't rigged. Aparently, the theme this year was oni (Japanese devil). This year it was raining, but that didn't stop the vendors or the revellers....
You may want to cover your keyboard with saliva-proof plastic before viewing these octopus ball morsels:
Salty Little Devils!

Best part of a festival is always the drumming

For the trip home, I took the route that my bros. and I used to take to school.
You no longer need to use paper tickets (although they are available). There is a new pass that you refill with money. You can buy drinks with it too!

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