Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tsukiji v. Gaijin

Recently, my buddies Brad and Rachel alerted me that our favorite fish market (see previous entry "Tsukijier Said Than Done") Tsukiji was closed to the public for a one month period in response to various incidents of gaijin being pests and getting in the way of the market employees. I noticed the last time I was there that the fish merchants and auctioneers were a bit wary of talking to us and occasionally rude. After all, there are an increasingly large amount of gaijin pointing cameras in their faces and generally getting in the way of their Star Wars-esque people movers. To make matters worse with this edgy band of fishmongers, a gaijin was recently caught kissing a prize tuna (10,000 dollars) and setting his camera on another prize tuna to get the perfect shot. I understand that occasionally the Japanese are a bit rigid and uptight, but gaijin really need to start showing more respect for this traditional way of life here in Tokyo. There is a reason gainjin flock to this fish market, it is something unique and remarkable that only happens at Tsukiji. When you run roughshod over the rules of the place, with no respect for tradition or culture, you spoil it for everyone.

Here is a link to another article:

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