Sunday, October 4, 2009


Apologies Apologies!!!!
The reliably consistent blog you once new has been frozen in time for far too long. Lets just say that we have not been at Huyuman's Tomb for the past 3 months! We have been swamped with travelling and work. Our summer was busy but our new school year in Japan is even busier!!! Teacher's Association obligations and class prep take up a lot of our time, but the truth is that a small, white and brown mammal has entered our house and is changing our lives in so many ways, especially with regard to the budgeting of time....

.... Lets just say that Papa Tori has gotten very little sleep between 3am pee pee times and endless pee pee clean-ups. Mama Justyna has gotten very little relaxation time either, considering that this mammal's favorite behavior is to attach its mouth to her pant-legs while she is cooking, writing, and watching TV. Nonetheless, this small domesticate wolf is sometimes adorable and sweet (as long as you exhaust him through constant exercise and have treats handy). Words cannot do justice to the positive effects he has had on our lives.

Introducing: the Jack Russel who is more fearless and cute than even the pet-shop girls in Miyamadaera predicted: RASCARU!!!!!!!

1 comment:

LEM said...

Adorable as always!!!